Unlike A New Beginning though you can upgrade your health by collecting the five Health Relics hidden throughout the game. For the most part you won't get set back too much. Once your bar empties Spyro will die and be sent back to the last checkpoint, which are quite frequent but usually difficult to accurately guess exactly what counts as one. These can be found by killing enemies or by smashing the red gem clusters you'll find strewn around the game. This is almost identical to A New Beginning, your health is displayed by a red bar in the top left corner of the screen and is replenished by collecting Red Gems. Red will heal Spyro, Green will fill his magic bar, Blue will give him experience to upgrade his breath attacks, and purple fills Spyro's Fury bar. If you've played the previous game, A New Beginning, you should already be familiar with what the gems in this game will do. Most everything should also apply to the Wii version but not to the Nintendo DS or Game Boy Advance versions. Welcome to my walkthrough for the The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night's PS2 version. Sequel to 2006's The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night continues the story, but as it's the second of a trilogy, it doesn't conclude it. The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Console Version Console Version Introduction